Hey guys! I have a US 2017 A4 with a 12/2015 manufacturing date. My MMI is currently MU 0377, and my main variant is FM2-P-TNSL-US-AU-MLR. I would really like to upgrade this firmware, even if it’s only MU 0692, anything has got to be better than 0377. I was initially searching for MHI2_US_AUG22_K2153, though I don’t know 100% for sure that my variant is included.

I tried MU 1316 but it didn’t include my variant (got conflict as seen in pic) and seemed to be for Qualcomm units, and even with enabling swdl in green menu, and throwing in to skip checksum and variant I couldn’t get past invalid signature. Does anyone know if MHI2_US_AUG22_K2153 would work or if there is something better? Or better yet, can anyone share firmware; I’d be most grateful. Thanks in advance!
