autorun script VW Discover Pro
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  1. #1

    По умолчанию autorun script VW Discover Pro

    In Discover Pro firmware 388 it is possible to execute a script named autorun placed on USB stick:
    from etc/mcd.conf:
    Callout     = FNAME_MATCH
    Argument    = /autorun
    Match Rule  = INSERTED
    Fail Rule   = SW_UPDATE
    However autorun is only executed when there is a matching signature in file called autorun.sig.

    I think autorun.sig must have sha1 hash of autorun but that autorun is scrambled similar to in audi MIB but not exactly the same.
    Check is performed in ELF file autorunner, when autorun loaded it will show png files below:

    Here is a piece of pseudo code from autorunner:
          DataFileBytes = ReadDataFile(hDataFile);
          if ( DataFileBytes )
            SignatureFileBytes = ReadSignatureFile(hSignatureFile);
            SignatureFileBytesVar = SignatureFileBytes;
            if ( SignatureFileBytes )
              SignatureFileBytesOffset3 = SignatureFileBytes[3];
              if ( HashFileSha1(DataFileBytes[3], DataFileBytes[2], &Sha1Hash) == 1 )
                fwrite("[autorunner] Failed to calculate SHA1 hash", 1u, 0x2Au, (FILE *)&Stderr);
                fputc(10, (FILE *)&Stderr);
                fflush((FILE *)&Stderr);
              else if ( sub_102D9C(
                          (unsigned __int8 *)&dword_106B68[36]) )
    It takes a normal sha1hash of file but then sub_102D9C does something I don't understand.
    dword_106b68 is a large array:
    LOAD:00106B68 dword_106B68    DCD 0x9302130, 0xE2B0506, 0x51A0203, 0x140400, 0x23014CDA
    LOAD:00106B68                 DCD 0x577F385A, 0x7F74C77E, 0x5A4225EE, 0x5F0D17E6, 0x44F768D3
    LOAD:00106B68                 DCD 0xACA00C32, 0x9DA05E8C, 0xA2DCE67, 0x697DCA67, 0xF460E8AA
    LOAD:00106B68                 DCD 0x351ADB6A, 0x5A8B1317, 0x6AAB4480, 0x79977987, 0xCFB62FC5
    LOAD:00106B68                 DCD 0xF271641E, 0x6FCFFFDB, 0x125781C5, 0x4C0B99EB, 0xD606FCFC
    LOAD:00106B68                 DCD 0xF19D2E10, 0xDE167181, 0xA9C480F0, 0x6B1C99E4, 0x7549E0C0
    LOAD:00106B68                 DCD 0xC07CE5CC, 0xABFE4E9E, 0xF8078B03, 0x4F390997, 0x2A5CA779
    LOAD:00106B68                 DCD 0x27B2E66F, 0x10001
    here is code from sub_102D9C:
    signed int __fastcall sub_102D9C(int a1, int a2, int a3, unsigned __int8 *a4)
      int v4; // r4@1
      signed int v5; // r3@2
      int v6; // r3@4
      signed int v7; // r2@4
      char *v8; // r2@6
      int v9; // r3@6
      signed int v10; // r3@9
      char v12[128]; // [sp+0h] [bp-110h]@1
      char v13; // [sp+80h] [bp-90h]@2
      char v14; // [sp+81h] [bp-8Fh]@2
      char v15; // [sp+DCh] [bp-34h]@4
      char v16; // [sp+100h] [bp-10h]@5
      v4 = a1;
      if ( !sub_103B88(a2, a3, a4[2] | (*a4 << 16) | (a4[1] << 8), (int)v12) )
        v13 = 0;
        v14 = 1;
        v5 = 2;
          *(&v13 + v5++) = -1;
        while ( v5 != 92 );
        v6 = 0;
        v15 = 0;
        v7 = 93;
          *(&v16 + v7 - 128) = *(_BYTE *)(v6 + 0x106B68);
          v7 = (unsigned __int16)(v7 + 1);
        while ( v6 != 15 );
        v8 = &v13;
        v9 = 0;
          (v8++)[108] = *(_BYTE *)(v4 + v9++);
        while ( v9 != 20 );
        if ( v13 == v12[0] )
          v10 = 1;
          while ( *(&v13 + v10) == v12[v10] )
            if ( ++v10 == 128 )
              return 1;
      return 0;
    signed int __fastcall sub_103B88(int a1, int a2, unsigned int a3, int a4)
      int v4; // r12@1
      int v6; // [sp+0h] [bp-88h]@2
      char v7; // [sp+7Ch] [bp-Ch]@3
      char v8; // [sp+7Dh] [bp-Bh]@3
      char v9; // [sp+7Eh] [bp-Ah]@3
      char v10; // [sp+7Fh] [bp-9h]@3
      v4 = 0;
        *((_BYTE *)&v6 + v4++) = 0;
      while ( v4 != 124 );
      v9 = BYTE1(a3);
      v10 = a3;
      v8 = a3 >> 16;
      v7 = BYTE3(a3);
      return sub_1037E4(a1, a2, (int)&v6, a4);
    I'm looking for calculation of hash in autorun.sig so that it will match, maybe someone has an idea or has seen this before?

    PS: I also found a challenge/response system in unit that allows root access via telnet without password but need to tackle this one first...
    Последний раз редактировалось okmer; 05.04.2016 в 20:25.



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